Can you believe it?!?! its February and this is only my first post! heh.
Well, in general, working life has caused me to think more in every aspect. I think about what I like, what I hate, what I respect, what I value, what I detest, what God can do through me, what God is doing TO me, etc etc etc...
In summary, its been a hard time for me. Sometimes, I do realise I am a real weakling in many aspects. and then at other points in time, sometimes I think there are some things i jus cannot stand. where do we draw the line between sticking through something and when to decide to stick by your ideals? Obviously i understand life is not perfect- it has never been! but when should we stick it through and strive to survive and when should we just throw in the towel and decide that we dont NEED to deal with this.
Honestly, I have my own opinions and ideas, etc.. but my parents also say its dangerous too have TOO strong an opinion. sigh. sometimes, i wish life could just be stated plain in a book. but then again, we then realise how dull life would be. how ironic right? the "colour" of life can be so dull-ing.
Anyways, one thing i am thankful for through these days of working, is that I am slowly realising what I like and what i do not like. at least now there are certain things on my "ambition list" that are outright nonos now. heh.
During my current job, I proclaimed to my dad that this is going to be my last admin job. but I think I take it back (yes Grace. I take that back). cos the more I think about it. the more I realise admin jobs are the jobs that allow you to indirectly observe all other kinds of jobs. corporate world, schools, businesses, music schools, trading companies, etc etc. Provided they have vacancies of course. So anyone out there has an admin job for me? hahaha..
Lastly, just wanna mention a movie I watched with Ruying today. It was "Away From Her". Personally, I think it was a really good show. Dont know if I can call it literary, but it was really painful to watch. Dont get me wrong. It was not painful to sit there, but rather, the story was so heart wrenching yet so true. go watch it! I'm not sure if other places are showing it though. We watched it an Cathay Cineplex.
Alright, I've gotta get ready to sleep already. counting down to only I know what. hopefully.... 16 days and counting downzzzz....