Today has been an interesting, draining as well as refreshing one all at the same time.
I realise, i'm not the only one going through this.
I realise, there is at least one feeling the way i feel.
I realise, i'm not the only dehumanizing one.
I realise, i'm not alone.
Ok, its less severe then it sounds i think. Well, it has just been occuring to me time and again- about identity. Like, how a fabulous phase of life has come and gone, and up ahead is still unchartered ground, waiting to be journeyed. Then when we see that we hav to step out of our comfort phase, we hesitate cos we were and ARE still having the time of our lives, relishing every moment that we can. Why would any logical mind choose to move forward? Especially when the path ahead is foggy and uncertain.
But then, we realise that its only when u pluck up the courage and walk on, trusting that amidst the fog, beyond the fright, God is there every inching footstep of the way, that the next phase can be even more brilliant then the previous one.
Well, i have not experienced that brilliance, but i believe it is installed somewhere in that tentative future. All we need sometimes, really, is faith and trust that God WILL pull us through. These weeks have been draining ones and it reflects in the number of entries in THE BOOK.hahah! ah wells..
Learning with every stride i take... Something great is impending, i jus know it- for all of us.