Thursday, October 26, 2006

Random things I simply Love =)

Hee.. feeling random and reflective again.. hehe =D

1) The feel of strong winds at my fingertips

2) The light patter of a drizzle on my skin

3) The smell of rain before it comes

4) The "scenery" just before a thunderstorm

5) The sound of thunder from a distance

ok, that's it for randomness.


haha.. have u ever wondered... ... when do u truly know a person? there are always times when u feel u thoroughly know someone. but how would u know if what u know that person to be were his/her true self? Am I making sense?

Well, I guess u never truly understand one till u see a contrasting side of that person right? oh well.. hehe..

that's all for my randomness now. buaiz~ =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi ho! im here to say hi ho! :D